That said...Happy New Year, about 3 months late! And enter the title of this post.
As usual, I've been incredibly busy and my to-do lists never seem to shrink. After having spent the last few (read: several) months running around like a chicken with my head cut off, I'm trying to settle into some semblance of a routine again.
In other news, earthquakes galore: Haiti, Chile, Turkey...the list seems to go on of 6+ magnitude earthquakes on the news lately. The worst, of course, is the utter destruction of the already incredibly impoverished Haiti. However, the I keep questioning, seeing all of the news reports, is if Chile will get the scope of aid it really needs, coming in the wake of the Haiti earthquake and the mass fundraising and aid sent there, and if the aid sent to Haiti will have the staying power, or if most of it will disappear as the world's focus shifts away and the bulk of the troops sent pull out. The cynic in me also wonders how much of the millions and millions of dollars and tons of supplies collected for people in Haiti will ever actually reach the people who need it the most. It's incredibly frustrating to know, too, that a healthy percentage of the aid will come at the cost of the native peoples' cultural norms and traditions. I have no solutions to offer, though, and recognize that aid, in any form, is probably usually better than none. For the majority and general masses, questions of religion or traditions mean very little when it's a matter of eating and having water to drink or not. Regardless, it's still sad.
And now, for something completely different
Yes, I am all over the place in this post, and yes, I should probably break it into a few posts. I don't feel like it, so I'm not. What I do feel like, though, is sharing a fun picture. You probably don't really want to know what it is, but it looks pretty:
You really want to know what it is? It's a picture. Of blood. And luminol.
Well, actually more of blood residue where the blood's been "cleaned up" and so there are only trace amounts of it left. Also, it's not really just plain luminol, either--it's technically Bluestar luminol, which just means it's brighter than regular luminol. The little details aside's pretty, in some kind of creepy, morbid way. And it's the blend of aesthetics and morbidity that makes it perfect to end this post of randomness with.